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Our certficate courses



certificate in business management

certificate in business management is a program tailored for business professionals/individuals who have passion in the field of business management To qualify for the study of this certficate , applicant must posses a minimum of D (plain) and above for them to be admitted .Course duration is one(1) year. Exam body is KNEC

Fee per term:ksh.12000

updated on:07 27 24



Certificate in human resource management

The growing deficit of human resource managers in institutions keep this program relevant and important in the society. Graduates from this program are human resource managers who by their passion work as business administrators among other relevant areas . Learners take a minimum duration of 1 year to complete the studies. Applicant should posses a D (plain ) and above in KCSE for them to be admitted.

Fee per term:ksh.12000

updated on:07 27 24



Certificate in secretarial studies

Secretarial studies involves the knowledge of office management among other related duties in an organisation/ institutional duties. We at jubilee collage offer this program. learners study for a period of one (1)year. An applicant must have attained a D(plain) and above in KCSE for him or her to be admitted and jubilee collage.

Fee per term:ksh.12000

updated on:07 27 24



Certificate in entrepreneurship Development

This program is very ideal for anyone willing to venture into his or her own business with the aim of making profits. Learners who go through the program are well rounded graduates who are highly skilled in investing and becoming their own employers. Duration is one(1) year. Applicant should have attained D(plain) and above in KCSE for him or her to be admitted at jubilee college.

Fee per term:ksh.12000

updated on:07 27 24



Certificate in accountancy

Accountancy is the practice of recording, classifying, analysing and reporting on business transactions for a business. Accountants provide financial status and results for a business. This diploma offered at jubilee college acertain that the graduates who pass through the program are accurate, honest and reliable financial advicers/managers A course duration of one(1) year is required. Applicants should have attained a D(plain) and above for them to be admitted to study at jubilee college

Fee per term:ksh.12000

updated on:07 27 24



Certificate in supply chain management

In commerce,Products move from production firm (producer) to the end user(consumer). Supply chain management is a field which looks at the management of the flow of goods and services between businesses and locations. It involves the study and management of the raw materials, work in progress inventory and finished goods as well as end to end fulfillment from point of origin to the consumer. A minimum course duration of one(1) year is required Applicant should have attained a minimum of D(plain) and above in KCSE . Exam body is KNEC

Fee per term:ksh.12000

updated on:07 27 24



Certificate in Banking and finance

Banking and finance is a program that involves the study of managing finance(money). graduates work in banks or financial firms such as saccos, insurance agencies,credit firms and institutions among other areas. Course duration is one(1) year. A minimum qualification of KCSE mean grade D(plain) and above is required for to pursue this diploma course.

Fee per term:ksh.12000

updated on:07 27 24



Certificate in project management

This is a diploma ideal for individuals who dream of being project managers but have never achieved the dream. Project management involves the leading of a team to achieve all project goals within a given constraint. Project managers depend on information given on the project documentation created on the first stage of the project to determine all should be done as per client requirements. The primary constraints usually involve scope, time and budget. A minimum course study duration of one (1)year is required to pursue this diploma. A KCSE mean grade of D(plain) and above is required for one to be admitted

Fee per term:ksh.12000

updated on:07 27 24



Certificate in ICT

Information and communication technology(ICT) is very essential in the modern society. With a growth in the use of computers in several sectors of economy, Graduates who pass through jubilee college demonstrate exellency skills in this field. Learners study programming subjects, graphics development among other ict subjects. This course goes for a minimum of one(1) year before attainment. Applicant should have scored a KCSE mean grade of D(plain) and above for them to be admitted to study at jubilee college

Fee per term:ksh.12000

updated on:07 27 24



Certificate in community development & social work

Community development is a program which aims at teaching learners how communities function.Learners are equipped with knowledge on how to work directly with individuals in the community as well as conducting/making referrals to resources in the community. Social workers form the community builders or organizers. It takes one(1) year for one to complete this diploma at jubilee college. A KCSE mean grade of D(plain) and above is required for you to be admitted to study this program at jubilee college,

Fee per term:ksh.12000

updated on:07 27 24



Certificate in tour guiding and operations

Tour guiding and operations is a program tailored for those who have passion of being tour guiders. The program as it states is relevant in the tourism industry. learners who pass through jubilee college are tour guiders who deliver as instructed and as expected by their employees. Course duration is one(1) year. A minimum KCSE grade of D(plain) and above is required for your to be admitted at jubilee college.

Fee per term:ksh.12000

updated on:07 27 24



Certificate in cooperative management

This is a certificate which produces well baked graduates to enhance the growth, efficiency and productivity of cooperatives. Course duration is one(1) year. minimum KCSE mean grade of D(plain) and above mandatory before you are admitted at jubilee college

Fee per term:ksh.12000

updated on:07 27 24



Certificate in plumbing

Plumbing is a program which deals with the system of pipes ,tanks ,fittings and other apparatus required for the water supply, heating and sanitation of buildings. With a high growth of architectural works due to the president's big four agenda in the name of affordable housing, this program remains relevant and useful to the society. Those who pass through jubilee collage are well baked plumbers who do exemplary work in this field. A course duration of one(1) year is required before attainment of this program. Applicants should have scored a minimum KCSE of D(plain) and above for them to be admitted at jubilee college

Fee per term:ksh.12000

updated on:07 27 24



Certificate in sales and marketing

This is a certificate ideal for learners wishing to be sales and marketers. When a product or a service is exchanged with money in a business, it is called a sale. For a customer to know and discover all about the business, the customer must have been exposed to the business in any means (may be advertisement),This is called marketing. Learners who enroll this program learn how to do sales of a business or of their own as well as how to trap customers/clients for their own business or the industry they work at. A minimum course duration of one(1) year is required to complete this program. A minimum KCSE mean grade of D(plain) is required before you are enrolled in this program at jubilee college

Fee per term:ksh.12000

updated on:07 27 24



Certificate in Transport management

Since goods and services must use a channel to move from one end to another(producer to consumer), transport is required. Transport management will involve taking care, managing, accounting and overseeing all transport facilities, infrastructure and or channels for either institutions,organisations, individuals, private sector or the government. A minimum course duration of one(1) year is required before one completes this program. A minimum KCSE entry grade of D(plain) is require before you are admitted to pursue this program at jubilee college

Fee per term:ksh.12000

updated on:07 27 24



Catering and Hospitality

Equips students with cutting edge skills in the culinary and hospitality industry to be able to compete favourably in the highly competitive job market

Fee per term:ksh.12000

updated on:07 27 24



Certificate in Journalism and Mass communication

Fee per term:ksh.14000

updated on:07 27 24



Certificate in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (power option)

Fee per term:ksh.12000

updated on:07 27 24