. Jubilee College|kitui

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Our Higher Diploma courses



HD in Business management

Higher diploma in business management is a program tailored for business professionals/individuals who have passion in the field of business management To qualify for the study of this higher diploma , applicant must posses a minimum qualification of diploma in any business related field.Course duration is one(1) year. Exam body is KNEC

Fee per term:ksh.15000

updated on:07 27 24



HD in human resource management

The growing deficit of human resource managers in institutions keep this program relevant and important in the society. Graduates from this program are human resource managers who by their passion work as business administrators among other relevant areas learners take a minimum duration of 1 year to complete the studies. Applicant should posses a degree or diploma in a related field

Fee per term:ksh.15000

updated on:07 27 24



HD in secretarial management

Secretarial management is a program ideal for individuals who would like to work as office secretaries among other related duties in an organisation/ institutional duties. We at jubilee college offer this program. learners study for a period of one (1)year. An applicant must have attained a degree or a diploma in a related field

Fee per term:ksh.15000

updated on:07 27 24



HD in entrepreneurship management

This program is good for anyone willing to venture into his or her own business with the aim of making profits. Learners who go through the program are well rounded graduates who are highly skilled into investing and becoming their own employers. Duration is one(1) year Applicant should have attained a degree or certificate in any related field from a recognized institution

Fee per term:ksh.15000

updated on:07 27 24



HD in educational management

The population of Kenya is growing. Institutions are needed in plenty to accommodate all learners with the 100% transition put in place. At jubilee college offer this program to help those individuals such as teachers who have the ability and passion to head/be organising/manage educational institutions/activities. A minimum duration of one(1) year is needed for one to attain this program Applicants should have attained a minimum qualification of any diploma or degree in a relevant field from a recognised instituion for them to be admitted at jubilee college

Fee per term:ksh.15000

updated on:07 27 24